"The Chakrasonics CD is soothing and healing. I listen to it while I sleep and I wake up refreshed and energized. I am a Chiropractor and I play Chakrasonics while giving treatments to clients. My clients find it to be relaxing and meditative." - Jessica Nichols/chiropractor, Santa Cruz Spine & Sport
"My name is Christine Cyr, CST. I am a Cranio-Sacral Therapist at the office of Sylvia Skefich, D.C. I have played Peter's CD as I treat my patients on several occasions. My patients feedback has been positive. My patients have stated that they "loved hearing the CD", that it made them feel more relaxed during the treatment. I have had several patients purchase The Chakrasonics CD so they can "start meditating & get to a place of a more calmer, relaxed state of mind." - Christine Cyr/cranio-sacral therapist/Santa Cruz
"I am using the Chakrasonic's CD in my Montessori class at rest time. I am always looking for ways to calm the children so they can rest peacefully. It has not been easy to find something that flows nicely from one track to another without disrupting them. By the second day they were all quietly listening and the ones who usually don't sleep, fell sound asleep and woke up refreshed and happy. We are amazed by the calming affect it is having in our classroom."
- Yvette Leake, Montessori Directress - Scott's Valley, California
"I'm a practicing Buddhist and have been meditating for 30 years. After listening to the Chakrasonics CD, when the music was over I kept going higher and higher in my meditation for about 20 more minutes." - RR
"I'm a nurse working in a very demanding environment. I used the CD before and after my shift as a relaxing way to decompress." - PT
"My daily commute to work is a real grind, so I put the CD on in the car, and it makes for a much less stressful drive for sure." - SF